Chickens Crossword
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Chickens Crossword puzzle is the perfect way to keep your kids entertained while exercising their brains. Children can learn new vocabulary words and strengthen their spelling skills by completing the crossword.
It's an engaging way to spend an afternoon indoors. Such puzzles might even spark a newfound interest in these beloved farm animals. Download and print the Chickens Crossword puzzle today!
Words List: rooster, male chicken, nest, where a chicken lays its eggs, broiler, chicken raised for meat, cluck, the sound a chicken makes, feathers, what covers a chicken's body, broody, term for a hen incubating eggs, coop, where chickens are kept, comb, the fleshy crest on a chicken's head, peck, how chickens eat grains, cackle, loud, raucous noise made by a chicken, scratch, what chickens do to the ground to find food, free, range, term for chickens allowed to roam, wattle, fleshy skin hanging below a chicken's beak, eggshell, protective covering of an egg, hen, female chicken