Outdoor Scavenger Hunt

Download free printable Outdoor Scavenger Hunt. For more similar Scavenger Hunt templates, browse our free printable library. Simply download and print them at home or office.

Outdoor Scavenger Hunt

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With the weather getting warmer and longer days on the horizon, it can be a challenge to come up with fun outdoor activities that kids and parents can enjoy together. That is why we have created this free printable Outdoor Scavenger Hunt Template for you!

When you download this template, you will find two versions: Prefilled and blank. The prefilled version comes with scavenger hunt items like butterflies, birds, leaves, and flowers. The blank version can be used if you'd like your family or virtual classroom to suggest their own ideas.

So grab your backpacks and get ready for an adventure - the great outdoors awaits!

Outdoor Scavenger Hunt
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